May 11, 2013

Smokin' Joe - Ride Fit

This past winter, out of necessity, I became good friends with my turbo trainer.

I've found it hard to get time firstly, to get out on the bike and second, the one day you have a chance it's miserable and just not enjoyable out in the West of Ireland winter.

Searching around and asking pals advice there was a mixture of box sets, movies, Sufferfest, Spinervals, Carmichael Training videos and all sorts of things to do on the turbo to while away time. Initially I found it hard enough to simply motivate myself to get on the darn thing but with a little bit of focus and planning of training sessions it started to come together and I started to 'enjoy' a bike session.

Recently I made contact with a company about their training films.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="395"] Ride Fit[/caption]

On first impressions they look good, plenty of information on how to push yourself, good guide on gearing, cadence, effort and turbo settings.

Have a look at the sample video here:


I've ordered Smokin' Joe and the plan is to download the file and do a decent workout on Monday evening.

Stay tuned for updates. 



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