This was something that always seemed to happen when I started a taper or just took the foot off the gas, the body breaks down a little.
Home from work and started into some Lemsips to try and avoid the inevitable.
Planned day off from running. Day off training full stop!!
Tempo Run - 15mins easy, 30mins @ 4.45km pace, 10mins easy.
I took my usual route, out and back, felt a bit lethargic, probably down to being generally tired and a bit run down of late. Have been eating well, just broken sleep and busy in work.
Tuesday: 12.03km, 00:59:30, AHR 153bpm, MxHR 168bpm, APace 04:57/km
Recovery run easy - didn't happen. Kids totally unsettled at night and just not getting rest. Kids seem to have an uncanny knack of falling asleep just at the point when they are aware that daddy is fully awake and precisely at the time when they know he won't get back to sleep.

This week seems to be getting to be just a 'ticking the boxes' kind of week. Did the session. Put in the work and did it but without the exhuberance of previous sessions.

Thursday: 11.91km, 00:58:48, AHR 157bpm, MxHR 175bpm, APace 04:55/km
45min - run at easy effort.
Emmm, nope, didn't.
2 hours - Just run easy and do not worry about pace.
Didn't happen either another exhausting night and a busy day expected in work. Hope to switch tomorrows easy run to this evening and do the long run tomorrow. That didn't happen either so just long run tomorrow.
Moved yesterday's long easy run to this morning and just got up and out for it. Had a decent breakfast and went off with a waterbottle with HIgh 5 4:1 and a single gel for company. Well that and a good shuffle of Ozzy on the iPod. I felt that Ozzy would put a fullstop at the end of this week for me.
Sunday: 24.03km, 01:59:22, AHR 151bom, MxHR 189bpm, APace 04:57/km
Weekly totals:
Duration: 03:57:41 (hh:mm:ss)
Distance: 48km
Calories: 4365kcal
Sessions: 3
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