June 13, 2012

Algebra training for runners

15 mins W/U + 2(20 mins Z4, 10 mins Z3) + steady Z3
= 01:44 1/2 marathon + Happy Chappy!!

Despite the shortage of posts I've tried to stay consistent with my training and the easiest to maintain this consistency is in my running.

Today was a bit of a mistake that led to a satisfactory result. I'd set out to do a 01:20 tempo session composed of the above:
  1. 15 minutes Warm-up HR Zone 2-Zone 3 (nice steady easing out and raising the heart rate)
  2. 20 minutes tempo run in HR Zone 4 followed by
  3. 10 minutes recovery in HR Zone 3
  4. 20 minutes tempo run in HR Zone 4 followed by
  5. 10 minutes recovery in HR Zone 3
  6. 5 minutes Cool-down finishing in HR Zone 2

Going confidently through 10 miles (16km) within the 1hr 20 minute session I realised I was still a fair bit out from home on a new loop but by staying steady I would achieve something that had eluded me. A sub 1:45 1/2 marathon time and to achieve it in a training run no less!

And that is what I did. :)

Total workout 23.08k, 01:57:48, average HR 153, average pace 5:05min / km

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